Our services include much more than simply the preparation of financial statements and tax returns. We continually communicate with clients to enhance understanding and accuracy, eliminate year-end surprises, and address current and future business and tax developments. This helps us to quickly understand the challenges at hand and develop solutions that produce real results.
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Below is a high-level overview of our services. Please contact us directly for more detailed information on how we can assist your organization.
Accounting Services
Audits, Reviews, Compilations, and Preparations
We view our role in the financial reporting process as an opportunity to provide constructive solutions for maximizing your company's profitability and efficiency. We provide financial reporting on all four levels of service:
*Audit- opinion expressed after obtaining reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material missstatement
*Review - use of inquiry and analytical procedures to obtain and express limited assurance on the financial statements
*Compilation - assist management in presenting financial information in the form of financial statements with no assurance
*Preparation - prepare financial statements in accordance with a specified financial reporting framework using the client's accounting records, documents, explanations, and other information
Agreed Upon Procedures
There may be an external need to have procedures performed of an audit nature on specific elements or aspects of a business that are agreed to in advance by the auditor, the entity and third parties as applicable and a report issued to describe the procedures performed.
Financial Forecasts & Projections
Forecasting is a necessity when trying to effectively manage and lead a business to profitability. From simple projections to complex financial modeling, our experienced staff can assist you in achieving your company's financial goals.
Cash Flow & Budgeting Analysis
A business can be profitable and still run into trouble due to cash flow issues. We can forecast and evaluate your company's financial condition, estimate financing requirements, and track cash-flow sources and uses.
Tax Services
Tax Planning & Preparation
Tax planning and preparation form a winning combination for our successful individual and business clients. Whether you are an individual or a multi-tiered partnership, our experienced staff can develop tax strategies that take advantage of new tax laws and legislation.
Estate & Trust Tax Preparation
Effective estate and gift planning facilitates the orderly transfer of assets to your beneficiaries, provides security for your surviving spouse, and can reduce or eliminate the tax due on the transfer of your business and other assets. For business owners, providing for business continuity and succession of ownership is essential. We can guide you through the complex process of getting your financial affairs in order.
IRS Representation
During our years of experience dealing with many taxing authorities, we have achieved a level of competence that can ensure our clients they are being properly represented before the various federal and state tax agencies.
Consulting Services
Business Valuations
Whether you are thinking of buying a new business or in the midst of a difficult divorce, the amount attached to the value of your business is important. We can provide useful and objective analysis to assist you in the valuation of any business in which you have an interest.
Business Succession Planning
Effective coordination of the transition of your business to your successors is critical to ensure its continued success once you decide to remove yourself from the company's day to day operations. With a solid background in tax and other financial matters, we are fully qualified to address the complex issues of business continuation and can assist you in developing a strategically sound plan.
Estate Planning
Effective estate planning facilitates the orderly transfer of assets to your beneficiaries, provides security for your surviving spouse, and can reduce or eliminate the tax due on the transfer of your business and other assets. For business owners, providing for business continuity and succession of ownership is essential. We can guide you through the complex process of getting your financial affairs in order.
Buying & Selling a Business
Structuring the purchase or sale of a business properly is a critical step in the process of buying or selling a business. Our competent staff has experience to guide you through the acquisition/disposition process by addressing such issues as cash flow analysis and tax considerations.
Business Entity Selection
Choosing the form of entity of your business (e.g. "S" corporation, sole proprietor, limited liability company?) is a crucial decision that can have longstanding tax implications, positive or negative. We can assist you in evaluating the pros and cons of each entity type to help you determine the most advantageous form of business for your company.
Review of Operations
We have reviewed many facets of our clients operations from an overall evaluation to a detailed review of specific areas of the finacial statement or an entire acccounting department.